E-Learning transcript:
When we are developing Proficloud services there are a couple of key features we always have in mind.
On the one hand side, that is of course security, which is very important to the vast majority of our customers. We are talking about industrial security – That is just a “must have”.
Another thing that is also very important to us is “ease of use” – so our goal is always, that somebody who does not have a technical background, is not an IT person is able to use our services.
We also need non technical people to be able to use our services.
Proficloud is our offering to customers, that want to connect their devices to the cloud. To make them smart. To have the information available to them, that just want to make more of the information that they have and the date they have inside of their plants, inside of their manufacturing.
We give the opportunity for an easy to use interface that is very lightweight and understandable, to make user of their data.
To really know at any time from anywhere what is going on with their machines – what is the actual status and so on.
在构建Proficloud及其服务时,以简单易用为前提。 任何人,不管是IT专家或是初学者,都可以使用该平台。
Proficloud可供那些想利用云,从其硬件中获得更多收益的人员使用。 今天就将您的菲尼克斯电气设备连接到Proficloud吧,您将能够从世界上的任何地方访问您的数据,从而使您快速对任何情况作出反应。