When it comes to updating the firmware of the device a lot of people are hesitant because they always have a fear, that something might go wrong. But of course in Proficloud we thought of it and there are different steps to a firmware update.
At first the image is downloaded. There are different checks to make sure that the firmware update file is actually okay – the device does some checks.
In case any error happens, everything is rolled back, so our customers can be sure that their device is always going to be in a safe state.
We upload these images ourself, so you can always be sure, that your device are running an official Phoenix Contact firmware.
在Proficloud上,往往有数据安全性和话题性高的问题。 为了确保您的设备始终配备最新的固件,我们为在Proficloud上以远程方式更新固件提供了可能性。
这就意味着您不再需要在设备旁便可以将固件更新到最新版本。 固件更新过程的各个步骤还确保,如果出现问题,设备始终会恢复到继续运行的状态。